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Saturday 16 March 2013

The Meaning Of My Life


"Many moons ago I asked myself that all so familiar question, "What is the meaning of life?". Not simply what was the meaning , but what was the meaning of this life? and why are we all here on this earth? I was convinced there had to be some greater purpose for our human existence. My upbringing was christian, although never baptised, I was exposed to Christianity on various levels, through Sunday school and the Church of England school that I attended. At home we kept a copy of the Bible with pride & place on top of the mantelpiece, and it was not uncommon for my mother to recite bible versus to me or my siblings for correction or guidance. Suffice to say, there was a strong christian influence during my childhood years.

Once into adulthood I clung to my christian faith in times of despair, hardship or trouble. I sought solace in my Savior and through him I was saved. No matter how difficult my life may become, despite any inequities that I may face - I was promised a place in His everlasting kingdom, once my life here on earth is done. Providing I proclaim Him, Christ my Savior.  I feared the consequences of disobeying this order. Surely I would burn in hell? I marveled at those who led lives free of these religious afflictions. Weren't they too afraid of the consequences of disobeying God?

(I've highlighted the words feared and afraid, because I want to touch upon them later)

Admittedly, I had sought comfort in my own bible many times, and yes, it had seen me through some difficult periods of my life. I was convinced of its power. I had felt it's power, surely? However there was doubt. The kind of doubt that settles itself right within the very core of your being & buries it's little questionable head there, twisting like a knife, tainting previous perceptions. Some will not like to admit it, but there's an unspoken law within Christianity which is; Do not question The Bible, and if you do, surely it's the devils work!. However I had a lot of questions, questions that even left my pastor shuffling and mumbling awkwardly. Which only served to leave me more bewildered and thirsty for the 'truth'. 

I began to learn about different religions, Catholicism, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses ,Islam, Judaism amongst others. Unsurprisingly, a pattern began to emerge which was consistent with the majority of the religions I had observed (with the exception of a few, Buddhism being one). This pattern being that the general ethos was; as long as you submitted to that chosen faith, here on this earth, you were promised treasures untold in the afterlife.(Hmm sounds like blackmail to me). Call me cynical, but I never bought it. I wondered about all the indigenous people in the world, who live off the land and lead much more simplistic and humble lives than western counterparts; will they go to this hell for not following the word of The Quran or The Bible? I think not. My mind pondered on those people who did not at all consider themselves religious, but demonstrated a form of 'godliness' by dedicating their whole lives being of servitude to others. Were they all going to hell too? 

I suspected that it was not as clean cut as it appeared to be. My own personal interests within the area of cognitive behavior analysis provided some clarity on this matter and allowed me to explore further the social perceptive structures, and how they; along with other external influences/ persuasion effect and help shape our belief systems.   

I must also add that throughout my research and studies into religion, I never once doubted that a 'God' entity exists,nor did I ever feel less connected to 'God'. However, I can report that my relationship with 'God' has changed considerably. 

I had long surpassed the notion that the meaning of life was to acquire the material possessions and gain academic achievements. That was just too..'earthly' an aspiration to attain, and did not seem to hold much weight in the grand scheme of things.


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